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Working with Jobs, Shipments and Items

Working with Jobs

A Job represents an instruction from a client. This could be a simple one-off export, a large scale interior design project to furnish a house or the management of a large inventory of long-term storage. If a client has multiple distinct project requests, you can open a new Job for each.

To open a new Job

  1. Click Jobs on the left of the screen (green arrow) to go to the Jobs list.

  2. At the top of the screen, click New to open a new blank Job.

  3. Set your Job de tails:

    Admin Location: The office which will be handling the client request or project.

    Administrator: The name of the individual from your office who will be handling this Job.

    Department: The office department that is responsible for the Job.

    Reference Contact: This could be the contact information for a client, or perhaps the address of an installation – whichever is most relevant to the Job and will make it as easily identifiable as possible.

    To set this, click on the edit pencil beside the Reference Contact text box (purple arrow) and select a contact from the pop-up list. Click OK to add their contact details to your Job.

    Notes: If you wish, you can add some Notes to your new Job. This isn’t essential but can be any additional information or instructions relevant to the Job or the client.

Working with Shipments and Items

A Shipment acts as a recognisable grouping of Items within a Job and represents an action being taken upon them. Invoices are raised by Shipment. Each Item is a single object; this could be a painting, sculpture, or piece of furniture. Items can consist of multiple pieces. You can have multiple Shipments for each Job, each containing multiple Items.

To add Shipments to a Job:

Once you have entered the details for a new Job, you can start adding Shipments. To do this:

  1. Select the correct Job from the list on the Jobs screen. You can access the Job list by clicking Jobs on the left of the screen.

  2. Click on the right arrow (orange arrow) to access to the Shipments list.

  3. Click New to create a new Shipment.

  4. Review the Shipment details, and make any changes required:

    Number: By default, the software will set the next available Shipment number. Remember, two Shipments cannot occupy the same number in a single Job.

    Reference: Type a Reference that is memorable as this will help you identify your Shipment later – for instance, enter “Export to New York” if your Shipment contains Items being exported to New York.

    Administration Location: The office from which the Shipment is being administered

    Administrator: Select the name of the individual from your office who will be handling this Shipment.

    Method: Select the method used to transport/store the Shipment

    Invoice Category: Select a category for invoicing purposes.

    Insurance Details, Insurance Class, Insurance Destination: Define if and how the Shipment is insured. You only need to set an Insurance Class and Insurance Destination if the Shipment is insured.

    Consignee: Record details of the person or location to which this Shipment is being consigned to (if applicable).

    Click the edit pencil to select a contact from a pop-up window. The consignee’s details will be included on various reports, so it is essential to select the right contact.

    Port: The sea port or airport this Shipment will be delivered to.

    Charge To: This shows who will be charged for this Shipment and can be set by clicking the edit pencil next to Charge To and selecting a contact from the pop-up window.

    Agent, Agent Notes: This only needs to be set if your Shipment will be handled by an external agency at any time (e.g. delivery or export). You can set the agent’s information by clicking the edit pencil and selecting the agent’s contact details from the pop-up window.

    You can also attach any special instructions or notes for an agent to the Shipment by typing these into the box next to Agent Notes.

    General Notes: If you like, you can attach some additional notes or other special requirements to your new Shipment.

To add Items to a Shipment:

Once you have completed the Shipment details for a Job, you’re ready to start adding Items to that Shipment. To do this:

  1. Select a Shipment, and then click on the right arrow to go to the Items list.

  2. Click New to create a new Item.

  3. Review your Item details, and make any changes required:

    Number: By default, the software will set the next available Item number. Remember, two different Items cannot occupy the same number in a single Job.

    Client Reference: Use this field to specify corresponding client issued references.

    Description: Enter as detailed a description of an Item as possible while bearing in mind that information that can be entered in a more specified field should be.

    Supplier: Whoever is supplying the Item (e.g. a furniture designer, for an interior design Job). Click the edit pencil next to Supplier and select the contact details from the pop-up window.

    No. Pieces: This is the number of pieces that an Item is made up of. This figure is a total of the number of pieces entered in the Item’s Component(s). For example, if a lamp is made up of a base, a lamp shade, and the lamp itself, it would consist of 3 pieces. This allows you to keep track of the Item, raise Movements for specific pieces, and make sure it ships complete.

    Circa & Origin: Approximately when are where the Item piece was produced.

    Proximity ref.: This shows where the Item needs to be placed in a space, e.g. a room, or the description of an area of a room.

    Item on Bond or TI: If the Item is on a bond or temporary import account, check the box. Items on bond or temporary import will not be subject to import taxes as they will not be staying in the country; this can affect the invoice later. Further details can be typed into the TI/Bond Reference box.

    Insurance Group: Select whether an Item is insured and at what level.

    Currency: Select the currency that the Item’s value transaction is in.

    Value: Enter the value of the Item.

    Notes: If required, you can enter some general notes regarding the Item.

    Condition Report: The Condition Report provides a general record of the condition of an Item and can be used to identify any possible damage done to an Item during transit. These notes will be attached to the Item later.

To identify and open existing Jobs, Shipments, and Items

You can find your Jobs list by clicking Jobs on the left of your screen at any time. If you have been editing your Shipment or Item lists, then you may need to click Jobs at the top of the screen to return to your Jobs list. In the Jobs list you will find all the Jobs you have opened, and can select an existing Job by clicking on it.

Most grids in Eos feature an instant search field in which you can start typing anything terms which will filter the grid as you type.