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Moving Items Between Jobs & Shipments

In the course of completing a Job, you may find you need to move Items between Shipments. You can move Items from one open Shipment to another (e.g. from a storage Shipment to a new export Shipment) or from a closed Shipment to an open Shipment (e.g. from a completed import Shipment to a storage Shipment).

To move Items from one Job/Shipment to another

  1. Click Jobs on the left of the screen and select a Job from the list.
  2. Naviage to the Shipment containing the Items you wish to move.
  3. Select the Item(s) you’d like to move - you can select multiple Items by holding CTRL and blocks of Items by holding down SHIFT.
  4. Click on Edit Selected and select Move Item(s) to... and then either Another Job or Another Shipment (green arrow).
  5. You will then guided through the selection of destination and advised of any mitigating measures to be applied to the move.

The Item will now appear in your chosen Job/Shipment.