Moving Items Between Jobs & Shipments
In the course of completing a Job, you may find you need to move Items between Shipments. You can move Items from one open Shipment to another (e.g. from a storage Shipment to a new export Shipment) or from a closed Shipment to an open Shipment (e.g. from a completed import Shipment to a storage Shipment).
To move Items from one Job/Shipment to another
- Click Jobs on the left of the screen and select a Job from the list.
- Naviage to the Shipment containing the Items you wish to move.
- Select the Item(s) you’d like to move - you can select multiple Items by holding CTRL and blocks of Items by holding down SHIFT.
- Click on Edit Selected and select Move Item(s) to... and then either Another Job or Another Shipment (green arrow).
- You will then guided through the selection of destination and advised of any mitigating measures to be applied to the move.
The Item will now appear in your chosen Job/Shipment.