Creating Packing Reports
You can create packing reports for Items and Packing Entries which need to be shipped to customer, client or storage space. This feature helps you arrange delivery and transport, and enables you and your customer or client to track packages and ensure the entire shipment arrives at its destination.
You create packing reports by grouping Items into Packing Entries. You can pack your Item(s) in one single Packing Entry, spread an Item of multiple pieces over several packing entries and split Packing Entries. To do this:
Click Jobs and navigate to a Shipment.
Click Tools and select Manage Packing.
Click Add. This adds a Packing Entry to the Packing list in the middle section if the screen. You can select between two options:
Packing in warehouse: Indicates Packing Entry is located on site and packing will take place there.
Packing out of warehouse: Indicates the Packing Entry is located offsite and will need collection.
You can split Packing Entries into multiple parts by right-clicking, selecting Add Part and selecting In warehouse or Out of warehouse.
Check the Packing details, and make any changes required:
No.: Specifies the position of the Packing Entry in the packing report. You can change it by clicking Move Up or Move Down.
ID: The ID number is set by default as the next available sequential number. To change this, click the ID and type in a number. Packing Entry's ID number must be unique.
If Packing has been split into different parts, each part will still use the ID number of the Case.
Part: If Packing is not split into parts, this will always display as 1. This number changes only when you split Packing into parts and denotes the part number.
In: Indicates whether or not the Packing Entry is in the warehouse and cannot be edited here.
Created: Displays the date Packing Entry was created.
Type: Select a Packing type from the dropdown menu (e.g. Pallet, Travel Frames, Loose Packages).
Description: Type in a description for the Packing Entry (Optional).
Dim. Unit: Select a unit of measurement for the size of the Packing Entry.
Length: Type in the length of the Packing Entry.
Width: Type in the width of the Packing Entry.
Height: Type in the height of the Packing Entry.
Weight Unit: Select a unit of weight for the Packing Entry.
Weight: Type in the total weight of the Packing Entry.
Packed: This shows the packing date. You can change this by clicking the calendar icon and selecting a date from the calendar.
Manual: This denotes whether volumes and super-dimensions are calculated automatically or filled in manually.
Vol. Unit: Select a unit for the volume of the Packing Entry (if set to manual).
Vol.: The total volume for the Packing Entry. This is calculated automatically (unless set to manual) when you enter the length, height and width.
Vol. Weight: The total volume weight for the Packing. This is set automatically (unless set to manual) when you enter the weight.
SD Unit: Select a unit for the super-dimensions for the Packing (unless set to manual).
SD: The super-dimensions for the Packing. This is calculated automatically (unless set to manual) when you enter the length, height and width.
Add Items to a Packing Entry. To do this, select the Item(s) from the list at the top and drag them to a Packing Entry in the packing list. The Item(s) are added to the Packing Entry and new rows are added to the Packing Entry’s Related Items list at the bottom of the screen.
A multi-part Item can be packed across multiple Packing entries if required. Simply add additional PackingEntries to the packing list and drag and drop the Item on each.
If you have created multiple parts for a Packing, then drag and drop the Item you wish to pack into each part. If you are packing multiple Items, drag and drop every Item into each part.
Check the details for each of the Packing Entry’s related items, and make any changes required:
No. Pieces: Type in the number of pieces that make up the Item.
If you have packed an Item over multiple Packing Entries, enter the number of pieces from the overall Item that need to be packed into this part.
No. Pkgs: Type in the number of inner packages within the Packing Entry or Packing Entry part.
Description: This displays the Item description you entered when adding the Item on the Item screen.
Prox. Ref: This displays the proximity reference you entered when adding the Item on the Item screen.
Notes: This acts as a snapshot of data taken when an Item is being related to a Packing entry.
Condition Rep.: This displays the condition information you entered on the Item screen. You can edit this information here if required and acts as a record of the Item’s condition at time of Packing.
Email or Print your packaging report or Save it locally or to the Eos Publish platform.