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Identifying Costs That Haven’t Been Invoiced

Managers can use Eos to view costs that haven’t been invoiced. This functionality also enables managers to raise invoice requests or question why a cost hasn’t been invoiced with other User accounts.

To identify costs that haven’t been invoiced

  1. Access the Management screen by clicking the dropdown arrow next to Invoicing and selecting Management (yellow arrow).
  2. This takes you to the Costs management screen. Set the date range using the calendars at the top of the screen.
  3. Using the Primary drop down filter at the top of the screen select All Not Yet Invoiced Between Specified Dates (Based On Issue Date).
  4. Any costs that haven’t been invoiced will be highlighted in pink. You can raise a request for the cost to be invoiced, or an inquiry with the user as to why the cost hasn’t be invoiced, by clicking Email at the bottom right of the screen and sending the filtered results to a user.