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Eos offers a concise way of calculating the costs and charges for any project, client request or Job and sending invoices to customers and clients, either directly via email or through traditional printed carbon copies. You can invoice clients with the complete single invoice for a Job, if your Job is being completed in stages, you can charge for each Shipment you created earlier or if the Job is ongoing you can invoice at regular intervals.

To raise an invoice

  1. Navigate to Invoicing.

  2. From the list on the left, select the Job you would like to invoice.

  3. From the list on the right, select the Shipment you would like to invoice.

  4. Click Costs, Insurance & History at the top of the screen.

    On the top half of the screen, you can see two lists, which show any previously invoices that were raised as part of this Job. These will not affect your current invoice and are only there for reference. If you don’t have any items in these lists, then it means you have not raised a previous invoice for this job.

  5. Add your costs. Costs can be anything such internal, air freight or insurance costs. You need to add all the costs you would like to charge for in this invoice. This information will not appear on the invoice your customer or client receives, but will act as a private record. To add costs, click Add then add the cost details:

    Supplier: This is the supplier of an item or service. This might be you, an external producer, or perhaps a delivery company. Select this by clicking on the edit pencil and selecting the details from the pop-up window.

    Description: Type in a description of the service provided.

    Net Costs: Type in the cost to you of a service.

    Charge: Type in how much you would like to charge your customer or client for the service.

    Cost Code: This shows the category of the cost (e.g. standard, packing, insurance). Select a cost code from the dropdown menu.

  6. When you have added all your costs, click Prepare at the top of the screen.

  7. Select the Invoice Type from the dropdown menu at the top of the screen:

    General Invoice: This is a general invoice, which can contain various services.

    Freight Invoice: This is a specialist invoice for shipping services entered on the Shipping screen.

    Tax Invoice: This is raised to invoice import tax and duty.

  8. Now you can add your invoice lines. These will appear on the invoice received by your client or customer your invoice lines. Start by choosing whether you want tax to be calculated, by clicking Add Line and selecting one of the following options:

    Add Tax Calculated Line: This will automatically add tax on top of the charges listed, according to the percentage set by administrators.

    Add Tax Not Calculated Line: Tax will not be calculated on top of the charges listed.

  9. Drag your cost lines from the top of the page to the empty line above the tax calculation line.

    This creates an invoice line at the bottom of the page.

    Repeat this with all your costs so the list at the top is empty and these have all moved to the list at the bottom.

  10. Click Finalise.

  11. Enter the final details to be included on you invoice using the text boxes provided. These do not need to be filled in and any details you don’t enter will simply not appear on the invoice.

  12. At this point, we recommend you check over everything as once an invoice is finalised it cannot be edited.

  13. Once you are happy with your invoice, select one of the following:

    Email: Email the invoice straight to the customer or client.

    Save: Save your invoice, either locally or to the Eos Publish platform where it can be accessed online by a Web User client or customer.

    Print: Print a carbon copy can be delivered to the client or customer.

When you have emailed, saved or printed your invoice, you can choose to Email, Save or Print the Charge Summary and, if insurance was included on the invoice, Insurance Summary for your own records.